Lady M: Teak Brightener + Joint Sealant

The aft mid deck was sanded down along with the other decks. I patched a few sealant joints in the teak that were a bit disconcerning using Sikaflex 295. The key to rebedding those joints is to cut the seams at a 45° bevel down and back towards the old sealant. This long beveled edge gives a better surface area for the new sealant to bond to. I taped off the teak around the joint and did some caulking. After that cured, more sanding was in order! Again I used an orbital to bring that color back. Next, Teak Cleaner and Star Brite Teak Brightener to bring the old deck alive and well again. Finally, a few coats of Cetol using a chip brush and things are copacetic. 


Lady M: Outlet Install


Lady M: Teak Restoration